Spectrum Metadata Release notes

Spectrum Groupe is pleased to announce the release of our new App Spectrum Metadata 1.0.0.

Spectrum Metadata let you enforce easily your project with additional information. We designed this study after a study of JIRA use cases to override JIRA Projects with data and keep control of information added and created. All this with a friendly interface and easy to use panels.

Highlight of this release

Define Metadata items

Adding metadata items is managed from JIRA Apps Administration. This choice has been made to avoid duplication and enable the project users to reuse the metadata items easily.

You can create items based on text input or choosing an option from a drop-down list

Support for user picker and data picker metadata fields

Filling Metadata values for each project

Once metadata items are created from JIRA Administration, project administrator are able to add or select values for items within a dedicated project view as displayed below:

Users who are not project administrator can simply view the values defined by project administrators by accessing this view.