Glossary search feature

Several search options are available within Glossary plugin. Below you can find details and user guide for those features. 

Live search within letter page 

This represent basic search for terms when browsing letter page. When letter contains a lot of terms it makes it easier to search for term within the page. 

Search glossary content globally

Search based on term definition

When we released Glossary plugin, Confluence native search feature gave our user the possibility to search for words contained in term definitions. Still some of our users complained about the now glossary-friendly aspect of this search where:

  • Confluence make search only based on term definition. The term itself (its name) isn't included when making text based search.
  • The result displays the letter page and the term isn't really highlighted (see screenshot below)

Search based on term title (or name)

To fill this search gap we created within version 3.0 a global dashboard that enable search and browsing more specific to our glossary plugin. 

Two levels of search are enabled within this dashboard: search by term title or by labels. 

Search by term title

As displayed within the screenshot below, you can search for text contained within term titles. Search is made for all terms contained in all glossaries within Confluence. 

When searching we look for the exact term of any word based or part of the word typed. 

Search by term labels

This view groups terms by label. When clicking on label it will search all terms that are marked with this label. 


Search by synonym or abbreviation

Requested by many of our users this feature is under study for its feasibility. You can follow the status within following JIRA issues:

Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.