Release Note - Ideation Cloud Version 1.0

Spectrum Groupe is pleased to announce that we are releasing Ideation new version compatible with Confluence Cloud.

Ideation Blueprint empower innovation process inside your organization and let users share thoughts and suggest new ideas. Now, rather than installing and maintaining our app on your own servers, we host, set up, secure and maintain your app in the cloud for you. Ideation Cloud brings all server version feature to another level of work: Reduced costs, Work on the go, Security, and more.

Start your journey on Ideation Cloud by Creating idea blueprint 

  1. Go to Create on your Confluence instance header.

  2. Choose the Blueprint Idea from the 'Create' dialog.

  3. Enter information about the idea titleidea information.

  4. Click on publish button on the wizard.

That's it ! A new Page Idea will be created.

Once your idea is created, you will access a plenty of macros which will help you manage your ideation process:





This macro display main idea information and let user (who are allowed to) to change idea status and add feedback when doing transition.

Display number of votes, comments and views

Move status 

Create feedback

Feedback listing


Lists ideas' voters to get visible information about them and their vote.

Voter list


Lists ideas' sponsors to get visible information about them.

Sponsors list

Now as your idea is CreatedVotedMoved and Feedbacked, you can take a look at the ideas' index page.

This is the area where user can browse all space ideas. It aims to encourage space users to contribute and participate to drive business growth in. 



Ideation list macro

It consist of two tabs: the timeline tab, where you can find all the space ideas with its status; You can vote an idea, see likes, views, feedback's…

Create from template macro

A button to create an idea page from an idea page template including idea information, idea voters and idea sponsors macros.

Ideation Summary macro

Display data about the space ideas, comments and contributors counts, with a list of ideas status count for each.

Idea top contributor macro

Display the top contributors in the space: their votes and ideas contributions.

Within the index page you also find macros configurable by you:






  • First filter is about space from where to get ideas. This filter is a macro parameter. It takes only one space key. 

  • Second filter is about idea labels. This filter is a macro parameter. You just need to edit the page, then edit macro information and specify appropriate labels.


  • Display the top contributors in the space: their votes and ideas contributions.


The Ideation index page will contain additional statistics within its sidebar. You will get information about Ideas, contributors and comments number within your space. A summary of ideas number by status has also been added to Ideation Summary macro.


  • First filter is about space from where to get ideas. This filter is a macro parameter. It takes only one space key. 

  • Second filter is about idea labels. This filter is a macro parameter. You just need to edit the page, then edit macro information and specify appropriate labels. 


  • Display data about the space ideas, comments and contributors counts, with a list of ideas status count for each.




  • Filter about space from where to get ideas. This filter is a macro parameter. It takes only one space key. 

  • Filter about idea labels. This filter is a macro parameter. You just need to edit the page, then edit macro information and specify appropriate labels. 

You can select (by editing macro parameters) which content columns to show and to sort on.


  • First filter is about statuses where you can specify which statuses (multiple options can be selected) you want to get ideas for.

  • Second filter is about creation period, you can specify time interval to retrieve ideas for.



In the Table view of ideas listing macro. We added some information like creation date, votes, views, last comment, the number of likes per idea pages, status, creator to sort on.


Same filter available in the timeline listing

All features and options listed above are configurable and managed by the administration panel. It offers the ability to manage statuses, roles and sponsors for your Ideation Area. You can access this panel by clicking on Space Tools > Ideation



Status configuration

In this section you can set and create idea statuses.

By default, there are three statuses within ideation area: Proposed, Evaluated and Archived. Those statuses can't be deleted to avoid data loss but can be modified (name and colors)

It's possible to add as many statuses as wished. Each status need to be associated to a role that can be created within the "add role" tab.

Configuration statuses (Default)

Edit status

Add status

Add status

Add status results:

Delete status

If you restore an idea that a status has already been deleted, it returns to the first status

(warning) It is impossible to delete a status associated with at least one idea.

Re-order statutes (drag and drop)

it is possible to change the positions of the statutes and do a drag and drop

 initial state
 final state

Role configuration

Each status need to be associated with a role. Role members are the only users who can make the idea move to the next status and add a feedback about this one-step evolution.

Either groups or single users can be added to a role.

By default, there is the ideation manager role which can't be deleted. This role can be modified by adding or deleting its members.

Configuration Roles (Default)

Edit role

Add role

Delete role

Sponsor-macro's & configuration

You can administrate your space sponsorship, with highly customizable featuresfunctions and rights.

Grant users the sponsor right and edit them at any time.

The sponsoring right can be given also to users group so it facilitate sponsors management

Sponsor dashboard where you can manage the maximum acceptable sponsorship, in addition to the users having that right

The sponsor idea button: this button appears only if the current user have the right to sponsor and if the maximum sponsors limit is not reached yet. It disappears once the user click.

When the current user sponsor the idea, his name will be displayed in sponsors list sorted by name. He can cancel his sponsorship anytime pressing the cancel sponsorship button that appear next to his name only.

The sponsors list: If there is any user that already sponsored the current idea, his name would be displayed in the list. Otherwise, a no one has been sponsored this idea will be shown.


the Space admin can create or launch a challenge of ideas to boost the space users to propose and suggest an innovating ideas .

Ideation challenge feature (Coming in )

Space admins can create or launch a challenge of ideas to boost users to propose and suggest new ideas .

Challenges are listed as displayed in the following screenshot:

Create Challenge 

To create a challenge :

  • Connect as space administrator.

  • Go to Space Tools > Ideation

  • Got to Challenge Tab

  • Click on "Add Challenge" Button.

  • Add challenge information

  • Once clicking on the create button , a challenge page will be added under Ideation page

Number Field


The Displayed Title of the Challenge.

The space admin can define the goal and the theme of the challenge

The space admin can choose the color of the Challenge pastille.

The start date of the challenge , from this Date the participants can participate and create ideas.

The End date of the challenge. After this date the button "Participate" disappears and no one can add idea in the Challenge context.

The space admin can define a Challenge manager. This manager can Stop or stand by a challenge and edit challenge name from the challenge page .

If , The space admin defines the users or groups who can participate to this challenge. The participants can view the "participate" button in the challenge page . Else , the challenge will be open to all the space users.

 Manage Challenge


Number Stamp


To participate to this challenge the participant must click on "Participate" Button .

A new Idea will be created into this challenge .

The steps of the idea's challenge creation as the same as a simple idea.

The "Pause" button allows to stand by a challenge and the challenge manager can re-lunch/resume it again by clicking in RESUME button .

If the challenge is "stand by" no one can participate.

The challenge manager can stop a challenge .

No one can participate anymore to this challenge .

The challenge will be stopped and can not reopen it again.

An informative table of the challenge .

This information are entered by the space admin during the challenge creation.

The list of all ideas created into the challenge.

The summary of the challenge : number of the created ideas , contributors , comments etc...

Challenge statuses are as following:

  • Coming : the start date of the challenge > today's date

  • Ongoing : the start date of the challenge ≤ today's date < the end date of the challenge

  • Stand By : the challenge manger clicked on the "Pause" Button

  • Closed : the end date >= today's date

  • Stopped : the challenge manager clicked on "Stop" Button.

As always, we're here to help, if you've come across a problem, want to provide feedback or require support, you can get in touch by email to Support.