Release Note Spectrum Timesheets - Version 2.0

The Spectrum version 2.0 is released with a compatibility with Atlassian Jira 8.14.0 platform.

New features

  1. Spectrum Group is pleased to introduce the Approval Timesheet Process((info) Link).
    • If the Timesheet Approval Process is enabled, timesheet users can submit their timesheet for approval at the end of the current period (either weekly or monthly). The reviewer receives a notification email of the submission and can then approve or reject the timesheet.
  2. We've improved the time off management and included the ability to specify Holidays((info) Link) throughout the year.

    • You can create holiday entry to manage different types of holidays like New Year's Day, Independence Day, or Christmas Day, etc.
  3. In order to make our application more powerful, we've added Automated Reminders((info) Link): Administrators can send automatic Email Notifications to:
    • Remind resources in advance of the timesheet due date.
    • Remind a resource or group of resources about non submitted timesheets on time.
    • Notify resources with the Timesheet Approver Permission((info) Link) whenever timesheets are submitted by users they are approvers for.
    • Notify resources about timesheet status change: Approved or rejected.

Timesheets Approval


  • Logging time on issue using default Time Spent Values.

  • We've made a number of improvements to the Timesheet View.


  • Fixed: [Timezone] A Worklog is Added In the Previous Date But Display in Issue Details Worklog of the Correct Cell.
  • Fixed: Groups that start with a Special Character are not Displayed in the Group Selector in Access Management.
  • Fixed: Avatars of Users in User Picker Selector are Not displayed in "Users timesheet" view.
  • Fixed: Timesheet is Not Compatible with Jira 7.10

Coming Soon

  • Team Timesheets and Holidays Scheme are coming soon.

As always, we're here to help, if you've come across a problem, want to provide feedback or require support, you can get in touch by email to Support.