Spectrum Groupe is pleased to announce the release of its first JIRA add-on, called "Spectrum Timesheets".

We have been hardely working on designing and providing our users with a easy to use and useful add-on to manage their Timesheet within JIRA. It offers a native experience of time tracking and progress tracking of your "daily hourly volume" and provide JIRA managers with consolidation views to track project and resources progress.

Highlight of this release

My Timesheet View

Based on group permission to access Timesheet features, users can consult their own Timesheet from their profile menu. Within this view, they are able to:

User Timesheet

Users and project Timesheet views

Based on group permission to Timesheet management views, users can generate multiple resources or projects Timesheet views. WIthin this view, managers are able to:

Multi-users Timesheet


Multi-projects Timesheet